A temporary workaround is to disable the AMD Gaming Evolved “In Game Overlay” A few game titles may fail to launch or crash if the AMD Gaming Evolved overlay is enabled.Radeon™ Settings check for software update may not display the latest available driver.XCOM2™ may experience minor stutter while the camera is panning around a scene.FFXIV can experience black screen or experience an application hang.AMD Radeon™ Fury Series may experience corruption on desktop when system is idle for an extended period of time.As part of the new Display Scaling per game feature, users can set “GPU Scaling” to “On” and “Scaling Mode” to “Full Panel” in the Display options tab in Radeon™ Settings as well as setting “Display Scaling” to “Full Panel” in their CSGO gaming profile under the “Gaming, Profile Options” tabs for this to take effect.