You can check out the full list of PS+ fighting games below, and the complete page of everything included in the different tiers can be found on PlayStation's website.

The PlayStation Plus offerings for fighting games probably won't be enough to make the subscriptions worth it alone, but they could be a nice bonus for users wanting access to the wider collection of games already. 3 min read Soul Calibur 5 Highly Compressed Pc Game Updated: Soul Calibur 5 Highly Compressed Pc Game > a757f658d7 HACKERSHi guys today I will tell you how to download Soul Calibur Broken Destiny Highly Compressed. Players who already purchased Tekken 2 (or other classic titles) on PS3, PSP or Vita can download those available titles to their PS4 or PS5 at no additional cost and without the need to have a subscription. These may not be as enticing for players only into fighters because the PS3 games still need to be streamed, and the only classic game you can download is Tekken 2. Those who wish to go for the $18 per month / $120 yearly PS+ Premium subscription also gain access to a catalog of classic PS1, PS2, PSP and PS3 games. The biggest gets in the collection currently are titles like Mortal Kombat 11, Soul Calibur 6, Injustice 2 and Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid, which are all part of the PS+ Extra tier priced at $15 per month / $100 per year. From our count there are just under 30 fighters in total available across the different subscription tiers with a mixture of recent and classic games.