TROY is the latest Total War Saga title inspired by Homer’s Iliad, it focuses on the historical flashpoint of the Trojan War, evolving the series with new period-inspired features. For there, on the battlefield before the great city, legends will be born… The Greeks set course for Troy, towards inevitable war and slaughter.

He summons Achaean heroes from far and wide, among them swift-footed Achilles and Odysseus of the silver tongue. King Agamemnon, wide-ruling lord of finely-walled Mycenae, hears his brother’s call. He will bring his errant wife home – whatever the cost! As they sail away, Helen’s husband, king Menelaus, curses her name. Audacious Paris, prince of Troy, takes beautiful Helen from her palace in Sparta. Yet it takes only a single impulsive act to spark a conflict that will shake the world.

In this legendary age, heroes walk the earth. Total War Saga: TROY – A Total War Saga: TROY is the first in the award-winning strategy series to focus on the Bronze-Age Mediterranean and the legendary twenty-year conflict… Total War Saga: TROY Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent.